Monday, August 19, 2013

Where to Get Lidar Data

The VuePod can view many different types of data, but for this post we are going to focus on lidar data.  According to Wikipedia lidar data is defined as a remote sensing technology that measures distance by illuminating a target with a laser and analyzing the reflected light (  The reflected light is then used to make high resolution maps and 3D images based on the amount of time it took for the light to return to its’ source.

Mounting the Motion Tracker

Since the VuePod frames were custom built, the motion tracker needed to have a custom mount as well.  As we pondered how to mount the motion tracker, we kept coming back to the question where do we want to mount the motion tracker.  Here we thought of a few options.

Installing VRUI and LidarViewer

The following is a quick guide to getting the VRUI toolkit and LidarViewer up and running. These instructions assume you are running the Ubuntu operating system. Please post questions in the comments.